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El Dr. Martínez comparte su vida de la edad de oro con Guadalajara.  Abajo esta uno de sus múltiples correos donde explica poco sobre la vida en el SP.


My dad actually took us to SF in 1948 rather than 1958.  He worked for the SP from 1923 to 1971 (48 yrs.).  He died Dec. 1, 1986 so he had about 15 years of retirement. He read the bible everyday and worked in his rose beds at the Lee St. family home in Salem.  As you know each person works out for themselves how to spend their retirement days.  My dad was "other" oriented.  His immediate family and God were his "other." He was very supportive of me, my career and family.  I miss him so much!

My brother in Saipan has my dad's Hamilton railroad watch and other mementos like a railroad pass.  I don't have anything to offer but oral history having to do with living in a railroad family.  Hope that will be good enough!  The railroad workers (however many survive) would know more about the actual work situation and conditions.  I did make a few observations but they were from afar.  I'll be thinking about the web title "Amigos para Oregon."  I do like it.  It has a very positive message.  Expect the railroad piece will be subsumed (ventanas) under the web title.  Websites can be fairly expensive to develop and to maintain. There is usually an annual maintenance fee.  I know next to nothing about this tech stuff.  Won't be much of a help here but you are always welcome to run ideas by me.  One thing for sure Miguel.  You are an "idea man."

The Learning Disabilities Foundation of Oregon (I am the president) is currently considering a website and other related matters.  We will meet this month for a two day work session.  Dates TBA.  I'll pass on any information to you that might be helpful.  The Foundation will fund the website and its maintenance.



El papá del Dr. Martínez originario del Perú. Su oficio la mayor parte de su vida fue ferrocarrilero y mayordomo por EL SP-o ya se el Southern Pacific Railroad.  En la época de los 1930 era un trabajo de buen sueldo y oportunidades.
Una de las últimas preguntas que le hice al Dr. Martínez era referente a los ferrocarrileros y la necesidad de RECONOCERLOS ya que ellos portaban los brazos y sacrificio que engrandeció una industrias de las más importantes de los Estados Unidos.  Compartimos historias del pasado incluso la casualidad de que su papa conoció a familiares nuestras quienes trabajaron al lado del Señor Pablo-el mayordomo.  Qué mundo tan pequeño!  Tomo el privilegio de también reconocer al Señor Simón Hernández que entro a trabajar en el SP de la edad de 14 anos y se jubilo después de 50 años de trabajo.  El y su esposa Lucille fueron padrinos de matrimonio.  (A los visitantes—es de no creerse pero hay veces que tomando el tiempo y el riesgo uno puede encontrar similares coincidencias en cual quier ámbito). 

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