Pioneer Families

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“Te acuerdas Mike  cuando vivíamos en el campo?”… And then we both start recalling some special moments.

The Ed Davidson’s camp is when we first met.  The buildings are still standing and most of the Pioneros “heads of households” that lived in these cabins have passed.  As we recall our days in the late 50’s other family members listen.  We all look at each other with amazement and gratitude that we are all still here.  Antonia by her presence gives us a special feeling that cannot be described in a few words.  Anyone who is blessed with “100 years of life” requires a book to capture the wisdom, life experiences and of course to share the secret for such longevity.  Antonia is quick to point out that tranquility, peace with yourself a positive attitude and a daily conversation with GOD is what she recommends…and she is quick to smile and her smile transmits HOPE AND GRATITUDE!


Antonia is proud and happy about many things.  Aside from missing her husband Liberato who passed away, Antonia…always says “Le doy Gracias a Diosito pore star aqui.”  Her surroundings are indicative of her FAITH AND LOVE FOR HER FAMILY.  In 2011 she celebrated her “100” birthday.  When I dropped in to see her one day she met me with the typical Antonia (tender and genuine) smile and told me …"Como vez Mike, todavia estoy aqui!"  To which I answered "so long as you are still with us, I too feel good"; a bit selfish, but that’s the way I feel.  She is quick to add to her “Saludo” God does not wish to call me yet. Then we go on with our brief talk and recall our past starting in 1957.

We have been in the area for more than a half a century.  She makes me feel special and we always recall our beginning.


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