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Thank you for visiting the “CIVIC” WINDOW  in our website.  The content included in this WINDOW “Civic-Civismo,” as the title implies, it’s all about subjects related to our LIFE and as residents/citizens.  It represents my view of the issues that I select and I will always give credit to whomever deserves it.  Since we are not a commercial interest our funding for expressing our opinion is not jeopardized and or compromised in any way.  This level of independence also carries  a level of responsibility for which we will do our utmost to comply and fulfill.  In our BLOG by the name of Weekends With TexMexOrUSA, you will also find introductory phrases that will lead you to the main story, article or opinion, whatever is most appropriate.

Like most people in our society who try to keep up with the event of the day, the community, state or the nation we no doubt form opinions based on a variety of media.  Personally I am an avid radio listener, read four newspapers a day, listen to TV and on occasion watch documentaries.  My own experiences here in Oregon which takes me back a little more than a half a century have given me an array of view and a foundation from which to draw.  Also, thanks to technology the media have also helped me confirm, compare and even correct my own impressions on a variety of issues. 

YOU the visitor of course is always welcome to express your opinion on any of the content you view.  Let me also remind you that we are a family operated website and 80%+ of our emphasis is historical and/or sharing a historical perspective.  With 50+ years as a resident and an observer practically 24/7 our personal information foundation is solid but not complete.  For this reason we would like to ask for your understanding, patience and perhaps a bit of tolerance for our own personal approach at telling a story.  We don’t approach content in a professorial or cerebral fashion, but instead approach the subject matter as if we were having a conversation with YOU!   Thanks for visiting!

CIVICS-CIVISMO is a name or title that is used very little in our school system today.  We think that the name implies more than just learning about events, people, important dates, but it also represents a framework from which LIFE evolves.  So with the help of my friend by the name of “Wikipedia” below is one of the most fundamental definitions of the term: CIVICS!

Civics is the study of the theoretical and practical aspects of citizenship, its rights and duties; the duties of citizens to each other as members of a political body and to the government.[1] It includes the study of civil law and civil code, and the study of government with attention to the role of citizens ― as opposed to external factors ― in the operation and oversight of government.[1]  MY OPINION:  NOT TOTALLY EXCLUSIVE BUT A GOOD START TO HELP YOU UNDERSTAND WHERE WE ARE GOING ON THIS JOURNEY TO CIVICS-CIVISMO!